H-tech (α+β) Brass
In the period from 01.10.2021 to 31.10.2023, Walcownia Metali “Dziedzice” S.A. was implementing the project titled “H-tech (α+β) Brass – A new generation of super precise shape geometry drawn two phase brass for high technology manufacturing”.
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020.
Project carried out under the competition organized by the National Centre for Research and Development: 1/1.1.1/2021 – Fast Track.
Value of the project: PLN 11,457,073.79
Contribution under the European Funds: PLN 7,090,796.48
The project was intended to develop an innovative, next generation product group based on newly developed technology focused on non-isothermal billets heating to achieve isothermal extrusion process that will result in stable mechanical properties along whole length of product.
New product groups developed under the project are intended for further subtractive machining and plastic processing into finished products, characterised by good machining parameters for CNC and long-term durability in their place of use. They are distinguished by:
- exceptional stability, consistent mechanical properties throughout the length of drawn products within and across batch’es,
- above standard straightness of products supplied in straight sections,
- ability to be used on top quality CNC machining lines to improve effectiveness and reduce production costs,
- improved and consistent electrical conductivity, current capacity and resistance for stress corrosion cracking,
- ultra-precise dimensional tolerances.
The new features and functionalities (above-standard stability of strength properties and above-standard dimensional tolerance of the product, new alloys with controlled Pb:Fe ratio and the narrowed range of impurities) optimise machining capabilities (chip characteristics) and enable product recipients to improve their production processes.
The result of process innovation is development, verification, and implementation of innovative manufacturing technology for the production of new-generation, super-precise drawn products made of dual-phase brass. Based on knowledge from proper testing stages, new thermal profile has been created for heating casted billets.
The range of products made of new types of dual-phase automatic brass alloys , resulting from joint industrial research and development works with the Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals of the AGH University of Science and Technology under the project H-tech (α+β) Brass is available HERE (PDF 192kb).