
Certificates 2025-01-31T13:21:29+01:00

Integrated Management System Policy

Polityka Jakości


REACH System

Information about initial registration of substances delivered by WM „Dziedzice” S.A.

We would like to inform you that as part of fulfilling the obligations of  REACH Directive, Walcownia Metali „Dziedzice” S.A. situated in Czechowice-Dziedzice, Kaniowska 3 Street, made initial registration of following substances contained in its products:

a)    In order to draw up registration documentation and chemical safety report we need to have information about identified usage of our products and about identified usage of substances.
b)    We will transmit all gained and prepared information about products and substances after final registration in accordance with forms and dates required by REACH Directive.

Contact person:

Mirosław Majtyka
Environmental Protection Specialist
Tel.: +48 32 714 3155
e-mail: m.majtyka@walcownia.com.pl

We hope for good cooperation in range of REACH  and remain with

Best regards


Brass – copper and zinc alloy, containing up to 40% zinc. It may contain additives of other metals such as lead, aluminum, tin, manganese, iron, chromium and silicon. Melts at approx. 1000 °C (depending on the species).

Brass is yellow (gold), With less zinc content coming closer to the natural color of copper. This alloy is resistant to corrosion, ductile, easy to plastic. It has good casting properties. In some applications its disadvantage is relatively high density (8,4-8,7 g/cm3).

Brass fittings are manufactured from brass, seaworthy fittings, ship propellers, ammunition, building hardware, especially door handles. In addition, machine components in the engineering, automotive, electrical, marine, precision, chemical industries. An important use of brass is the production of musical instruments. It is stronger than bronze because it contains zinc which gives it a hardness. It is very useful for cold working, eg during the production of ammunition shells. In addition, brass is made of coins, medals, candlesticks, cups, padlocks, mortars, monuments, decorative elements (braces, handles) and many other small parts and articles such as weights, bells, fittings, picture frames, etc.

Brass is supplied in the form of cast bars or rods, wires, sheets, tapes and pipes.

Classifications and compositions of brass are given by the Polish Standard PN-xx/H-87025

Because of the composition brass is divided into:

  • Brass bicomponent – M95 (CuZn5), M90 (CuZn10), M85 (CuZn15), M80 (CuZn20), M75 (CuZn25), M70 (CuZn30), M68 (CuZn32), M63 (CuZn37), M60 (CuZn40).
  • Lead brass – containing lead additives. Lead is added to improve the machinability of the material. Lead brass belongs MO64 (CuZn34Pb3), MO62 (CuZn36Pb1.5), MO61 (CuZn36Pb3), MO58A (CuZn39Pb2), MO58b (CuZn40Pb2), MO58 (CuZn40Pb2) oraz także odlewnicze MO60 (CuZn38Pb1.5), MO59 (CuZn39Pb2),.
  • Special brasses contain the addition of elements such as tin, aluminum, manganese, iron, silicon and / or nickel. These include: High-brass brass – copper, zinc and nickel with manganese. Due to its silvery color this alloy is commonly referred to as “new silver” or argentan. This alloy has very good spring properties and corrosion resistance – MZN18 (CuNi18Zn27), MZ20N18 (CuNi18Zn20), MZN15 (CuNi15Zn21), MZN12 (CuNi12Zn24). High-brass brass is used for spring, fittings and jewelery. Because after polishing they resemble silver, they are used for making confectionery, pater, calyx, cutlery and other ornamental items.
    • Tin brass – MC90 (CuZn10Sn), MC70 (CuZn28Sn), MC62 (CuZn38Sn),
    • Aluminum brasses – MA77 (CuZn20Al2), MA59 (CuZn36Al3Ni2) i także odlewnicze MA58 (CuZn38Al3Mn2Fe) i MA67 (CuZn38Al3)
    • Manganese Brass – MM59 (CuZn40Mn), MM57 (CuZn40FeMnSnAl), MM56 (CuZn40Mn3Al) and casting MM47 (CuZn43Mn4Pb3Fe), MM55 (CuZn40Mn3Fe), MM58 (CuZn38Mc2Pb2),
    • Nickel brass – MN65 (CuZn29Ni6).
    • Silicon brass – MK80 (CuZn16Si3) also used as foundry.